SMS Marketing vs. WhatsApp Marketing: Which is More Effective?

SMS Marketing in Chennai | SMS Marketing vs Whatsapp Marketing

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SMS marketing and WhatsApp marketing is a powerful tool for businesses in Chennai to engage with their customers and drive business growth. By creating engaging, personalized campaigns, businesses can use SMS marketing & WhatsApp marketing plan to reach new customers, retain existing ones, and increase their overall success in the competitive Chennai market.

There are many companies offering the best SMS Marketing in Chennai and one of them is Viria the finest SMS Marketing company in Chennai.

In this blog post, we’ll provide a brief overview of each platform, explain how they work, and help you decide which platform is right for your business.

Generate Huge Traffic

What is SMS Marketing?

SMS marketing in Chennai involves sending short, text-based messages to your audience’s mobile phones. These messages can be promotional in nature, such as discounts or special offers, or informative, such as news or updates about your business.

Viria is the best company in offering cost affordable SMS Marketing in Chennai. The customized SMS application here at Viria is an effective way to reach a wider audience. If you are one of the business holders searching for the best SMS Marketing in Chennai then Viria is the right choice.

As we know now most people use mobile phones within a minute one can get text messages. If you want to endorse your products or service this SMS marketing is the best one because SMS can be sent using specialized platforms or through your own mobile phone.

Read also SMS Service Provider in Bangalore.

What is WhatsApp Marketing?

WhatsApp marketing is a newer form of marketing that involves using the popular messaging app WhatsApp to communicate with your audience.
You can send a variety of media through WhatsApp, including text, images, videos, and voice notes.

WhatsApp marketing can be an effective way to engage with your audience on a more personal level, as it allows for more interactive and engaging content. WhatsApp marketing is typically done through a third-party platform.

If you are wondering who is the best to offer cost-affordable SMS Marketing in Chennai then Viria comes on the first list. The team of experts here at Viria has designed the application so orderly for WhatsApp marketing usage, which is a user-friendly and effective tool to reach your target audience soon.

SMS Marketing vs. WhatsApp Marketing

SMS marketing and WhatsApp marketing exhibit notable distinctions. While SMS marketing has a broader reach, reaching users with any mobile phone, it is limited in the type of content it can convey.

On the other hand, WhatsApp marketing offers more engaging and interactive content but necessitates that your audience has the WhatsApp app installed on their phone. The effectiveness of each platform depends on your business goals and the characteristics of your target audience.

SMS Marketing in chennai

SMS Marketing


  1. High Open Rates: SMS marketing boasts an exceptionally high open rate, with studies showing that 98% of text messages are read within minutes of being received.
  2. Broad Reach: SMS is accessible on all mobile devices, regardless of internet connectivity or smartphone capabilities, ensuring a wider reach.
  3. Immediacy: Messages are delivered almost instantly, making SMS marketing ideal for time-sensitive promotions and urgent notifications.
  4. Simplicity: The simplicity of SMS ensures that messages are concise and to the point, making them easier for recipients to read and understand.


  1. Character Limit: SMS messages are limited to 160 characters, which can restrict the amount of information that can be conveyed.
  2. Lack of Multimedia: SMS cannot include rich media content such as images, videos, or interactive elements, limiting engagement potential.
  3. Cost: Sending bulk SMS can be expensive, especially for international campaigns.
  4. Regulatory Restrictions: SMS marketing is subject to stringent regulations and consent requirements, which can complicate campaign execution.

WhatsApp Marketing


  1. Rich Media Content: WhatsApp allows the inclusion of images, videos, documents, and interactive content, enhancing the overall engagement.
  2. High Engagement Rates: WhatsApp messages tend to have higher engagement rates due to the app’s popularity and the personal nature of the platform.
  3. Two-Way Communication: WhatsApp enables real-time, two-way communication, fostering stronger customer relationships and providing immediate feedback.
  4. Cost-Effective: For businesses with a large customer base on WhatsApp, it can be a more cost-effective channel compared to SMS, especially for multimedia content.


  1. Internet Dependency: WhatsApp requires an internet connection, which may limit reach in areas with poor connectivity.
  2. Privacy Concerns: Users may be more protective of their WhatsApp accounts and more selective about the brands they interact with on this personal platform.
  3. Platform Restrictions: WhatsApp has strict policies against spam and unsolicited messages, which can restrict marketing activities.
  4. User Base Limitations: Not all demographics may use WhatsApp, limiting its effectiveness in certain regions or among certain age groups.

Overall, WhatsApp marketing is a powerful tool for engaging with your audience, building stronger relationships, and promoting your business. By creating engaging, personalized content and providing excellent customer support, you can use

WhatsApp marketing to grow your business and achieve your marketing goals. Searching for bulk WhatsApp marketing in Chennai then Viria is a perfect match for you!

How to Get Started with SMS Marketing and WhatsApp Marketing

To get started with SMS marketing, you can use a specialized platform such as Twilio, or simply send messages through your own mobile phone. When creating SMS marketing campaigns, it’s important to keep your messages short and concise and to make sure they provide value to your audience.

To get started with WhatsApp marketing, you’ll need to use a third-party platform such as WhatsApp Business or Hootsuite. When creating WhatsApp marketing campaigns, it’s important to make sure your content is engaging and interactive and to personalize your messages as much as possible.

Best Practices for SMS Marketing and WhatsApp Marketing

Some best practices for both SMS marketing and WhatsApp marketing include:

  • Segmenting your audience to send targeted messages
  • Personalizing your messages as much as possible
  • Timing your messages for optimal engagement
  • Measuring the success of your campaigns through analytics

Services offered by SMS Marketing

SMS Marketing provides businesses with a direct and efficient way to engage customers. Services include promotional messages, product updates, and event notifications, delivered instantly to recipients’ mobile devices. It facilitates time-sensitive offers, enhances brand awareness, and encourages customer loyalty through personalized communication. With high open rates, SMS Marketing is a powerful tool for driving customer engagement and fostering meaningful connections with the target audience.

Types of SMS Marketing

  • Promotional SMS: Boost sales and engagement through discounts and offers.
  • Transactional SMS: Deliver essential information like order confirmations and updates.
  • Opt-In SMS: Secure approval from users to receive promotional materials.
  • Appointment Reminders: Send timely alerts for scheduled appointments or events.
  • Surveys and Feedback: Gather valuable insights by conducting surveys via SMS.

SMS Marketing encompasses diverse strategies, enhancing communication, and fostering customer interaction.

Difference Between Promotional and Transactional SMS


  • Promotional SMS: Used for marketing purposes to promote a business, brand, product, or service. These messages aim to generate leads, increase sales, and enhance brand visibility.
  • Transactional SMS: Sent to convey information, updates, notifications, or alerts. These messages are meant for transactional purposes, such as confirming bookings, sending order updates, or notifying users about important account activities.


  • Promotional SMS: Contains marketing content, offers, discounts, and promotional information. These messages encourage recipients to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or visiting a website.
  • Transactional SMS: Contains non-promotional content related to transactions or user activities. Examples include OTPs (One-Time Passwords), order confirmations, shipping updates, and account alerts.

Delivery Time

  • Promotional SMS: Usually sent during specific hours of the day, often limited to business hours to comply with regulations. Delivery to DND (Do Not Disturb) registered numbers is restricted.
  • Transactional SMS: Can be sent 24/7, as they often contain time-sensitive information. These messages are delivered even to DND registered numbers without any time restrictions.


  • Promotional SMS: Regulated to prevent spam and ensure messages are sent only to non-DND numbers. Must comply with TRAI guidelines regarding the timing and content of messages.
  • Transactional SMS: Less regulated in terms of timing because they contain essential information. However, they must comply with guidelines that prohibit the inclusion of promotional content.

Sender ID

  • Promotional SMS: Typically sent with a numeric sender ID that is easily recognizable and associated with the brand or business.
  • Transactional SMS: Sent with a predefined sender ID, often an alphanumeric code that reflects the service or business name, ensuring recipients recognize the sender.


  • Promotional SMS: Generally cheaper per message compared to transactional SMS due to bulk sending and lower priority.
  • Transactional SMS: Slightly more expensive per message due to the high priority and guaranteed delivery to all numbers, including those on the DND list.

In summary, while promotional SMS focuses on marketing and brand promotion, transactional SMS is used for critical communication and updates related to transactions and user activities.


SMS marketing and WhatsApp marketing are both effective ways to promote your business and engage with your audience. Depending on your goals and audience, one platform may be more effective than the other. By following best practices and creating targeted, engaging campaigns, you can use SMS Marketing in Chennai and WhatsApp marketing to build stronger relationships with your audience and grow your business.

Read also: WhatsApp Marketing India

Frequently Asked Questions

The effectiveness of SMS marketing vs. WhatsApp marketing depends on the goals and needs of your business. SMS marketing has a higher open rate and wider reach, while WhatsApp marketing allows for more personalized messaging and higher engagement.

Choose as per your needs, searching for SMS Marketing in Chennai then Viria will be the right for you.

Yes, you can use both SMS marketing and WhatsApp marketing to promote your business and connect with customers. Using both channels can help you reach a wider audience and engage with customers in different ways.

To use it correctly you need a superfast application that can accomplish your business needs. Then Viria the best SMS Marketing in Chennai can offer you hinder free application where you can accomplish your dream.  

You can measure the effectiveness of your campaigns by tracking metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and engagement rates. You can use analytics tools provided by Viria the best SMS Marketing in Chennai or WhatsApp marketing platforms to track these metrics.

The cost of SMS marketing is typically higher than WhatsApp marketing for businesses. SMS messages often incur charges per message, making it more expensive, especially for large-scale campaigns.

WhatsApp marketing, on the other hand, may involve lower or no per-message fees, making it a more cost-effective choice for businesses looking to reach a broad audience.

WhatsApp is more suitable for one-on-one customer communication compared to SMS. WhatsApp offers a real-time chat interface with multimedia support, making it ideal for personalized interactions.

Businesses can engage with customers, answer queries, and provide support on an individual level, fostering stronger and more interactive customer relationships than traditional SMS.

When deciding between SMS and WhatsApp for marketing, businesses should consider factors like audience preferences, message reach, and cost.

WhatsApp may be more effective for multimedia-rich, personalized interactions, while SMS can be a broader, more cost-effective option. Compliance with data protection regulations and the ability to maintain a contact database are also crucial factors to weigh in the decision-making process.