WhatsApp Interactive Messages


WhatsApp Business API

WhatsApp Business API is always on the lookout to ensure better communication between a brand and its user making it more convenient, interactive and engaging.   WhatsApp has two new interactive messaging features to make seamless communications with List messages and Reply buttons.

What are WhatsApp Interactive Messages?

WhatsApp Interactive Messages allows the users to quickly select their choices and interact to make the business communications even richer which significantly achieves higher response rates and conversions than those that are only text-based.

Taking communication to next level 

WhatsApp Interactive Messages has gained its popularity through List Messages and Reply Buttons by taking the communication to the top-notch level.   It provides a more consistent and simpler format to find and select and converse with a business’s chatbot on WhatsApp API.

Structured list messages on WhatsApp

List Messages on WhatsApp is a structured message which includes up to 10 options, or where additional context is required per option.   It works well for many use cases with its multiple menu items and product choices. 

Uses of WhatsApp list message

– FAQ or customer care menu – Booking appointments for any busine – Handling user queries  – Providing choice of food menus for    restaurant – Mentioning the delivery time  – Choosing a recent order to repeat

Reply Buttons – a structured message

Reply Buttons includes up to 3 options where users can make a selection in just one-tap.  It has features for a quicker response to make a selection from a menu when people are interacting with a business.

Responding to limited option

– Airtime recharge – Choosing the mode of payment – Changing the personal detail – Adding optional extras for ordering     food – Reordering a previous order – Requesting for a return

Contrary to popular belief, WhatsApp list messages are not template messages because these messages neither require templates nor are pre-approved by WhatsApp.  Particularly Reply Buttons are valuable for ‘personalized’ use cases with no adequate generic response.

List messages vs Reply button 

1. Interactive messages can be combined together. 2. Users cannot choose more than one option at the same time  3. List or reply button messages can only be sent within 24 hour 4. Supported platforms include iOS, Android, and web.

Things to keep in mind  

WhatsApp list messages are available on the WhatsApp Business API because it requires heavy coding nature.  If you use the free WhatsApp Business app, you may not have access to this feature. WATI can set up your WhatsApp list messages and access to WhatsApp API. 

Getting WhatsApp List Messages?