In today’s rapid business world, customers’ expectations are vital to treat them as individuals. The key differentiator in building loyalty is to provide personalized customer service.
The modern world requires companies to use social media websites to communicate with the customers or clients effectively and create a positive image of the organization.
Delivering a personalized customer service should be a part of an organisation’s culture. Identify and understand your customers better by means of questionnaires or surveys, interviews, focus groups and social media.
Gathering more knowledge regarding the challenges faced by the customers can be an easier task to provide relevant answers at multiple-touch points in a stipulated time.
customer's expectations are always high in terms of variety and flexibility. Companies must evolve their products and services continually to meet the customers’ needs where the relationship with the customers can be made stronger than ever before.
A personalized customer service has to be a blend of proactive and reactive at the earliest possible time. Else there will be a risk in the business forever. Social media can assist in facilitating this by serving as a two-way communication platform for customers and brands.
Customers can interact with the companies through a variety of channels through traditional voice channels (chat via phone), digital channels (website, social media), indirect channels (partners, dealers, etc) and self-service channels (FAQ’s, online forms).
Make your customer special by reaching out to them with personalized messages. Give an individual attention by taking your time to respond to keep each of the messages personalized to gain their attention.
Many companies are providing a self-service option to allow the customers to help themselves on their website before contacting the customer service. This alleviates the pressure on the customer service representatives and allows the customers to find the information they require without waiting for someone to revert.
It is recommended to establish a unique page where your customers will be looking for product information and updates. This ultimately increases the likelihood of them making a purchase from you in the future.